Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Review Of Acheson Report Health Essay

A Review Of Acheson Report Health Essay The report also calls for more funding support to schools in deprived areas, better nutrition and the concept of health-promoting schools. Benefit levels for providing nutritional meals to children should be increased and food should be more affordable for fulfilling nutritional needs of children. The report also focuses on smoking and drinking problems urging for restrictions on smoking in public places, a ban on tobacco advertising and promotion, mass educational initiatives, increases in the price of tobacco and the prescriptions for nicotine replacement therapy. The Acheson report also suggests close links between health and mortality rates. The Acheson report has been instrumental in shaping, directing and implementing several changes in the NHS Health policy. Several studies and research reports have been published on the impact and influence of the Acheson report on changes within health care policy. The Acheson report identified three crucial areas on social gradient and health inequalities and suggested that: a high priority should be given to the health of families with children; all policies likely to have an impact on health should be evaluated in terms of their impact on health inequalities; steps should be taken to reduce income inequalities and improve the living standards of poor households. The Acheson Report and UK Health Policies The Acheson Report 1998, an Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health was similar to the Black Report 1980 and can be considered as a Department of Health review of the evidence on inequalities in health in England. The Department of Health has responded to the Acheson report by taking an official course of action. The Department of Health mentions that tackling health inequalities is a top priority for the Government, and is focused on narrowing the health gap between disadvantaged groups, communities and the rest of the country, and on improving health overall. The strategy for addressing this problems is published in, Tackling Health Inequalities: A Programme for Action that lays the foundations for meeting the Governments target to reduce the health gap on infant mortality and life expectancy by 2010.A programme for action include a three-year plan for tackling health inequalities and to help local organisations improve the way services are delivered to disadvantaged groups. The programme for action in response to the Acheson report is based on: Supporting families, mothers and children Engaging Communities and Individuals Preventing Illness and providing Effective treatment and Care Addressing the underlying determinants of health The Acheson report suggests that socioeconomic inequalities in health and expectation of life have been found in England for many years and there have been data identifying differences in longevity by ones socioeconomic position. Inequalities of health are measured in terms of mortality, life expectancy or health status and could be categorised by socioeconomic status, ethnic group or gender. The Acheson report suggested that there are differences in the health status of mothers, babies, people of lower socioeconomic status and people who smoke or drink heavily. The report definitely shows that death rates are falling in England and the rates have fallen since 1896. Thus life expectancy seems to have risen in the last few years although healthy life expectancy has not been rising. In fact the proportion of people with long standing illness has risen from 15 percent to 22 percent (Acheson Report, 1998). The Acheson report thus gave new insights on health policies and identified issues that contribute to an increased rate of mortality and possible ill health. It identified several socioeconomic determinants including income distribution and household below average income, education, employment, housing, homelessness, public sector, transport and health related behaviour. Following the report, the Choosing Health White Paper given by the Department of Health sets out the key principles for supporting the public to make healthier and more informed choices in regards to their health. Through the paper, the Government has provided information and practical support to get people motivated and improve emotional well-being and also provide access to services to encourage people to make healthy choices. The government has also drawn up a food and health action plan that focuses on the ways that better health can be achieved through better nutrition at all stages of life and for different groups in society, recognising and addressing different needs, particularly those of disadvantaged groups (Choosing Health, DH, 2004). The government has also set up the Health Improvement Plan and a new NHS plan for tackling health inequalities 81% of people in higher socio-economic groups consider themselves to be in good health now, compared with 61% of people in the lowest groups 76% of people in the higher groups expect to be in good health in 10 years time, compared to 53% of people in the lowest groups (DH, 2004). Putting forward the NHS improvement plan, the Government reiterated the NHS commitment that the NHS is motivated to prevent disease and improve health in general. The Government policies are focused on the fact that inequalities in health cannot be accepted and the fundamental objective is to create healthier choices for disadvantaged groups. The NHS Improvement plan was laid down in 2004 to not only counter health inequalities but also provide better quality of care to patients and provide safer and more effective treatment. The NHS Improvement Plan set out modernisation and health plans putting patients and service users first through more personalised care; a focus on the whole of health and well-being, not only illness; and further devolution of decision-making to local organisations. (DH, 2004) According to the Government report and Action Plan laid out in then Choosing Health White paper the nutritional priorities were given as follows: increase in the average consumption of a variety of fruit and vegetables increase in the average intake of dietary fibre to 18 grams per day reducing average intake of salt to 6 grams per day reduce average intake of saturated fat maintaining the current trends in reducing average intake of total fat reducing the average intake of added sugar (Choosing Health White paper, 2004) The Government took several steps to ensure that the recommendations of the Acheson report is considered for any further changes within the NHS. Accordingly major steps have been taken to ensure consumer awareness on the consumption of healthy foods and development of good food habits. Reducing the proportion of fat, salt in the diet has been recommended and retailers and caterers have been asked introduce healthier range of foods and offer such foods in convenient stores, centre locations and in remote areas of the city. In a plan to tackle health inequalities, the Government has focused on many plans including Offer people personal health plans with support from the NHS. Recruit NHS health trainers to provide advice and support for people to develop their personal health plans. Provide services in the areas of highest need. Offer disabled people the option of taking up a health check. (DH, 2004) Considering the Acheson report on the exaggerated problems of health care among pregnant women and children, the government has also provided eligible pregnant women with vouchers that can be exchanged for fresh fruit and vegetables, milk and infant formula through a new scheme called Healthy Start. A Sure Start scheme is also in place for providing training, guidance and support for early years to children. Practitioners encourage changes in parental behaviour and improve the social and emotional development and physical health of children in the early years. Community Parental Support Projects are also in place that involves training of lead workers in 500 communities. Healthy Schools programmes are encouraged to target deprived schools including Pupil Referral Units. The Government has promoted the concept of healthy schools by 2006, working towards a healthy school status by 2009. The concept of Healthy schools, Sure Start and the Concept for providing Parental Support as well as providing people with personal health plans are some of the steps that the government has taken to ensure the promotion of health. Some of the objectives of the Action Plan have been given as follows. Following the Acheson report, the government focus has shifted from the one aimed to meet national targets to a different approach that could be given as follows: standards are the main driver for continuous improvements in quality; there are fewer national targets; there is greater scope for addressing local priorities; incentives are in place to support the system; and all organisations locally play their part in service modernisation. (Care Standards Planning Framework, 2004). Research Studies We discuss several studies which deal with the Acheson report. Oliver and Nutbeam (2003) point out that health inequalities has been considered seriously for an approach to improve health care and government policies have been developed to explicitly address existing health inequalities that has become an important issue since Labour has returned to power in 1997. The development of health inequalities policies, have been critically examined to assess how such policies could or should be developed. The authors point out that progress in the development of health inequality policies has been made although the progress is less than expected or ideal. Kisely and Jones (1997) have written on the issues of public health ten years after the Acheson report. They point out that the issue of communicable disease control and the role of public health medicine is of considerable concern in the light of outbreaks and NHS reorganisations. The Acheson report seems to have highlighted several issues in this regard. Yet as Kisely and Jones the Reports findings have yet to be fully implemented. The paper calls for a further review of public health function and should include the removal of the specialty from management costs, and the clarification standardisation of the roles of the Director of Public Health (DPH), CPHM and other members of the multi-disciplinary public health team (Kisely and Jones, 1997). Possible organisational implications for a public health approach have also been suggested. Tarlov (1999) has delineated four conceptual frameworks providing the bases for constructing public policy strategies for improving population health and this include: (1) Determinants of population health. (2) Complex systems: (3) An intervention framework for population health improvement. (4) Public policy development process with two phases of public consensus and policy action. The Acheson report can be judged in this context and has provided both a consensus and a policy framework. Back to: Essay Examples Conclusion: The research studies and analysis of the Acheson report suggests that the 1998 Acheson report has been extremely influential in shaping Health care policies in the UK and reducing inequalities in health. Bibliography Primary health care in Londonchanges since the Acheson report. BMJ. 1992 Nov 7;305(6862):1130-3. Tarlov AR. Public policy frameworks for improving population health. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1999;896:281-93. Blane D. Health inequality and public policy: one year on from the Acheson report. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999 Dec;53(12):748. Williams A. Commentary on the Acheson report. Health Econ. 1999 Jun;8(4):297-9. Barnes R, Scott-Samuel A. The Acheson report: beyond parenthood and apple pie? J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999 Jun;53(6):322-3. Spencer NJ. The Acheson report: challenges for the College. Arch Dis Child. 1999 Jun;80(6):576-8. Better benefits for health: plan to implement the central recommendation of the Acheson report. BMJ. 1999 Mar 13;318(7185):724-7. Acheson D. Inequalities in health. Report on inequalities in health did give priority for steps to be tackled. BMJ. 1998 Dec 12;317(7173):1659. Oliver A, Nutbeam D. Addressing health inequalities in the United Kingdom: a case study. J Public Health Med. 2003 Dec;25(4):281-7. Kisely S, Jones J. Acheson revisited: public health medicine ten years after the Acheson Report. Public Health. 1997 Nov;111(6):361-4. Choosing Health White Paper, DH, 2004 NHS Plan, DH publication 2004 Acheson Report, DH publication, 1998 Inequalities in health, DH publication 1998 NHS Improvement Plan, 2004

Monday, January 20, 2020

Finding Peace in Death Comes For The Archbishop Essay -- Archbishop

Finding Peace in Death Comes For The Archbishop      Ã‚   Willa Cather's Death Comes For The Archbishop is a novel set in the nineteenth century in New Mexico.   The story follows the adventures of Father Vaillant and Father Latour, two refined French priests on a mission to promote Catholicism in Santa Fe.   The story follows each man's experiences in these unrefined surroundings causing them to go through dramatic changes as they experience the westward movement of the frontier.   Through the struggles and journeys of a host of characters, we discover the underlying tensions of worldly distractions that can create a divided character between oneself.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first example of a divided character I would like to discuss is that of the cardinals in Rome. It seems as if the heads of the Catholic Church indulge in worldly possessions to fulfill their spiritual desires.   "...I had this wine brought up from my cellar especially to warm away the chill of your twenty Canadian winters.   Surely, you do not gather vintages like this on the shores of the Great Lake Huron?"(9).   These high cardinals seem to have grown devoted to luxuries of life than to God and the Catholic Church.   This behavior contradicts the teachings of Catholicism itself, where worldly matter is not of importance.   This passage constructs a clear warning to the reader, making it clear that these characters seem to have jumped on the bandwagon of globalization, thus at times forgetting their religious ties.   It is hard to say if these cardinals have ever experienced the meaning of true devotion to God, a point of faith where material luxuries have no value.   Latour may be looked down upon to do the hard work of the missions but his experie... ... cathedral, distracting him from his mission to reach the native people.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although Father Latour may possess few worldly desires, one may argue he wants what others can benefit from as well as pleasing himself.   Along his journeys, Latour encounters various people, most associates of the Catholic Church like himself.   It seems as each time Latour detects a sense of deceit in a person, he progresses in his own mission of morality.   When one is trying so hard to embrace and follow the rules and restrictions of religion, as well as enjoy the worldly luxuries, a divided character is created within oneself.   It is not until true and total devotion is committed to ones religion that material things become irrelevant and one can be at peace.  Ã‚  Ã‚      Work Cited:    Cather, Willa. Death Comes for the Archbishop. NY: Vintage Books, 1990.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Hard Work: Remaking the American Labor Movement By Rick Fantasia and Kim Voss Essay

Hard Work: Remaking the American Labor Movement, by Rick Fantasia and Kim Voss, was published by the University of California Press in 2004. It runs to 259 pages. This book deals with the failures of the American Labor Movement to keep pace with the needs of American workers. It explains how the movement failed when it seemed like it was on the road to success and why it is in the lethargic state in which it finds itself today. It chronicles the attempts being made today to salvage what is left of the movement and its attempts to become a force fighting for social justice in America. One recurring theme of this book is that the people who consider themselves to be both progressive and liberal are constantly amazed that so little they have done and/or advocated has come to fruition or made any difference. They seem stunned to learn that their theories do not work in actual practice. The book documents the actions being initiated in today’s society in an attempt to get off high-center and get on the road to success necessary to keep the American Dream alive. What is now known as the New Economy as proposed by the Neo-liberals has contributed to the steady erosion of worker’s rights and benefits. Fantasia and Voss examine the dot com industry with particular scrutiny, blaming it for the loss of enormous numbers of jobs. The book examines such companies as Amazon, demonstrating how a vast corporation, doing millions in business can be operated with the use of relatively few unskilled and low paid employees, giving them obscene profits and very little overhead. The authors believe that such companies are the wave of the future and if allowed to truly globalize they will be extremely deleterious to workers around the world. They call the New Economy a ‘direct attack on labor’. This book reveals that a key element in many industrialized nations, which is lacking here, is that labor gains are not on a national level, meaning that unions and workers must fight for each concession on a company-by-company basis. In much of the rest of the world a gain by workers is held to be a gain for every worker in that country. The authors trace the history of the union movements for over one hundred years in America. They show that any sort of radicalism displayed by unions or workers was systematically eradicated. They show that what was left in place in each case was a tepid version of what could have been and the result was, intrinsically, a labor union which was in bed with the big corporations, allowing them to strip workers of their rights and fair benefits. This, the authors say, gave labor leaders the idea they were in some sort of perverse partnership with management to the ruin of the workers. Out of this rose the duality of leadership seen in this country. There came to be leadership that ruled by one of two ways, one, a strongman leader, whose ruled a personal fiefdom by decree and the other the bureaucrat in what the authors called the era of tame unionism, which was benign in an era when it should have stood shoulder-to-shoulder in solidarity with its members. During the Reagan era employers realized they were in the drivers’ seats and stripped rights and benefits to the bone while the government stood by or actively abetted them, as did the union leadership. The major premise of this book is that labor must re-invent itself in order to be relevant again. Corporate America is committed to the New Economy, which will never do anything for the worker but further erode any gains made in the past century. American unions and American workers must, the premise goes, regain their initiative and hang solidly together or they will, to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, all hang separately, so to speak. There are numerous ways of going about rebuilding labor into a potent force for the good of the workers and some of these methods are being seen. There is a tactic known in labor jargon as â€Å"‘bargaining to organize’ and it has become one important tactic of social movement unionists,† (Fantasia, Voss 2004 p 154). During the 1990s labor struck some of Las Vegas’ casinos with mixed results, but what was telling in that situation was that the city’s Black population sided with labor and did much in solidarity with the workers. The strike won at one of the casinos but a second strike dragged on for over six years, making it the longest strike in American history, post World War II. The strike had its moments of high drama and on one occasion a mass demonstration of over twenty thousand people. The unions in Las Vegas actively recruited new members even during the height of the strike. It drew worldwide attention and favorable press for the unions. This, the authors say, is going to continue to be necessary in the future and unions are going to have to actively recruit and actively promote their message. With a strong recruiting drive and overt actions to revitalize what has become a moribund movement in the last few years. Unions must secure leadership from within their own ranks and see that these leaders are not in bed with Corporate America. Fantasia and Voss paint a rather bleak picture of American Labor, as it now exists. They seem to be somewhat optimistic for the future, however, by assuming that a social conscience will develop in this country and the unions will begin to make inroads into the New Economy, forcing corporations to deal with the rights of the working man. They detail some specific innovations designed to fight the domination by the large corporations, addressing such matters as working hours and conditions as well as the incredible disparity between workers’ salaries and executive compensation. There must come a new type of union for workers to be protected in the New Economy and the globalization of corporations. The authors refer to this new union, expected to rise like a phoenix from the ashes the old unions, as more a social order than what is generally thought of as a true labor union. Not to draw parallels, but it was the Polish Union, Solidarity, which brought down the communist government and freed Poland of its mind boggling bureaucratic red tape and the morass of regulations which kept the Polish workers in virtual servitude to the state. The future is not all sunshine and lollipops, however. â€Å"†¦labor retreats from movement building and the percentage of unionized labor force continues to fall,† (162). Not only will this be a disaster for workers, for it will soon reach the point where only a privileged few will have any union strength, such as government employees and professional athletes, with the rest of the workers vanishing off the radar screen. American labor, once the beacon of hope to workers around the world, will become like that of a third world nation and the workers will fight for the peanuts tossed about by their corporate masters. Not only will the worker lose all that he once had in the workplace, the unions’ once powerful voice in American politics, notably in the Democratic Party will cease to exist and the party will no longer pay any attention to the demands of the working man and woman for parity and job security. There will no incentive for them to bow to any demands for the union will no longer be able to deliver on either the threat of the carrot or the stick. The authors point out that not only will labor lose its clout on such social issues as minimum wage and job safety, but will eventually lose any ability to weigh in on such matters as free trade agreements and other policies directly affecting the American worker. This country has changed drastically since September 11, and has taken on a siege mentality. It is virtually being ruled by decree of a man who has assumed war-time powers and seems to believe that if something he does is unconstitutional then obviously the constitution needs to be changed. During his first (and disputed) term in office he was abetted by a rubber stamp congress of Republicans and dragged the nation into a disastrous foreign war for dubious reasons which have since been found to be lies and intentional obfuscations. Primarily, however, the union has much more difficulties in such a political climate for it is always difficult to organize and foment change in times of social upheaval and economic downturn (163). The national debt is in the trillions of dollar. â€Å"The context of severe national emergency has been the pretext for invoking the mantle of national security against unions in an effort to accomplish the long term Republican Party goal of denying the right of federal employees to join unions,† (163). The current administration is actively engaged in what Fantasia and Voss refer to as ‘a low intensity war’ on American labor and workers are seeing the result of this ongoing battle. The outcome of this attempt to revitalize labor is by no means certain. One ray of sunshine is that college students today are beginning to see what is happening and they are developing a social conscience such as they have demonstrated in the past for other causes. They have made a difference before. The Labor Union is not dead although it is severely bloodied. Fantasia and Voss seem to think there are two possible futures and which one will occur is largely up to the success or failure of the labor movement.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Descriptive Essay On Nightmare - 1174 Words

Isabella ELA8H 9 Oct. 2017 â€Å"Nightmare† The pitch black night, cold and foggy. The only thing that kept my body warm was the sweat dripping along the sides of my face. Where I’m running, I don’t know, but I do know it’s away from her. Floating above the ground she is coming closer and closer. She, the ghost that is haunting me,is wearing that old torn dress, with her floating almost transparent self coming toward at me. Her white hair covering her face as her rotten long nails are coming closer and closer. â€Å" You can’t hide I WILL FIND YOU!† She then cease to exist , I look around HOW?! She just vanished out of thin air, THIN AIR!?! BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm, as awake as the sun at dawn, is waking me up from that vivid dream of†¦show more content†¦Thank you Boss.† â€Å" No problem Jared!† I scurry off, looking around to make it seem less suspicious. But HOW! How is it possible that she found out the building I worked at?! Is she that determined to find me Then I hear it, â€Å" Why are you scared? Don’t run away.† her voice soft and hushed as if she’s whispering. â€Å" F—K OFF!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! PLEASE!† â€Å" I didn’t mean to cause you any harm Jared. NOW YOU ASKED FOR IT!† I look around, the lights they’re flickering. I spot a door at the end of the hall glowing and everything else becoming dark.She comes out, with the glow around her she seems more inhuman.The torn dress is ripped even more, her all black eyes looking at me. Running, away from her, I feel as if I’m in the same position, and as it time has stopped but it hasn’t. The time is going by much more faster now, but I’m not going anywhere. A storage closet! I throw myself in and lock the door. I am panting, but try to control my breath for she won’t hear it. â€Å" You can run but YOU CAN’T HIDE.† Then, footsteps as loud as drums in this isolated part of the hospital are being heard. And they are approaching my door very closely. The doorknob begins to nudge,but another pair of footsteps can be heard approaching the hall. â€Å" Why-wha-what? Why is she f——g walking can’t she just float?!† I mumble to myself in the darkness. I look at my surroundings to see what is there that is helpful enough to beat up this ghost.Show MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About My Worst Nightmare1045 Words   |  5 Pagesread five words of pure freedom, â€Å"We’ll be back home later.† Not only would I be free to do what I wanted, but also able to get away with it. That feeling of freedom was a kid’s best dream, but for me I believe that type of power caused my worst nightmare. My first decision as a home-alone child was to make a huge bowl of Lucky Charms cereal. I’d poured them into my favorite pink bowl into a mountain that spilled over onto the counter, I’d probably thought to clean it later. 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